3 Uncomfortable Truths About Marketing That You Must Accept
It’s easy to believe in a fantasy business world.
One where you‘re figuring new marketing stuff out every day. Or a campaign is killing it so you’ll never have to change it.
Here is a curated list of 3 uncomfortable truths from my experience as a small business marketing consultant, to make you rethink your marketing and reawaken your creativity.
- You’re going to get burned. There is a sea of offerings and service providers out here which means it’s very likely you will be burned by ineffective marketing or a bad marketing approach.
2. You’re going to adjust tactics. Look if this was 1980 my marketing advice would be around the yellow pages and other traditional channels. You will always adjust your tactics to where the attention is of customers.
3. You’re going to need commitment. Mediocre marketing with commitment works better than smart marketing without commitment. If you’re not committed to your marketing, it’s probably not going to work. Commitment means you evolve your marketing, you revise your marketing, and you revisit it. You put in the work and you stay with it, no matter what.