7 Ways to Invite Accidents Into Your Marketing
By now you’ve surely seen those State Farm Insurance ads featuring various accidents.
The commercials have popularized the idea of unfortunate events, but it’s something I’ve seen for years in the area of marketing.⠀
When marketing is seen as an event rather than a process, accidents ensue. When organizations abdicate marketing strategy to creatives, accidents ensue.
When business owners try to make marketing harder than it is accidents ensue.⠀
Below are seven sure-fire ways to invite accidents into your marketing mix.⠀
1. Being everything to everyone ⠀
2. Thinking good service is enough to differentiate ⠀
3. Selling before you educate⠀
4. Focusing solely on lead generation instead of retention⠀
5. Thinking your website completes your online presence ⠀
6. Viewing the sale as a transaction instead of transformation
7. Operating without a map⠀