Best Way To Attract Ideal Clients
Sometimes you’ve got to go back to the basics of marketing and that’s what I want to talk to you about for the best way to attract clients.
The thing about attracting clients is that is it hasn’t changed.
You have to have a service that a segment of the market needs or wants, and that solves a major problem in their life or business.
I know that sounds basic but a lot of times owners and CEOs of small businesses think it’s all about telling the world about what they do and how their service has all these great features.
But figuring out how to solve a problem that your ideal client values and demonstrating how your service solves that problem is what needs to done.
I hate to say it, but no client is attracted to what you sell. They are attracted to what they believe they will get, achieve, relieve, dodge, or acquire based on buying what you sell.
Now obviously you’ve got to narrowly define who these people are, and you’ve got to hang out where they hang out so they can hear that message.
It’s not more basic than this for the best way to attract clients.
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