Build on the marketing and business success you’re already having


The statement you just read sounds like common sense: “build on the success you’re already having.”

Build on the marketing and business success you’re already having

The problem is that most owners and CEOs of small businesses don’t know what’s working, and even when they do, they may not think of it as marketing.

Referrals are a good example. Most small businesses get a lot of referrals, but they have no strategy to increase the number and quality of referrals.

Consequently, they don’t employ “cross-channel amplification” — for instance, using demonstrations or speaking engagements to enhance referrals.

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Patrick McFadden
Patrick McFadden

Written by Patrick McFadden

Small Business Marketing Consultant // CEO of @indispmarketing // I install a marketing process to increase visibility, grow revenue & make your phone ring

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