How Better Messaging Can Help Your Small Business Close More Deals
Wrote this back in 2017 but thought it might be useful to someone today: How Better Messaging Can Help Your Small Business Close More Deals
According to recent research from Televerde, B2B sales leaders say they could win more deals if their marketing teams delivered better messaging and more qualified leads. But improving messaging was the most important thing they believe could help win more deals.
My conversations with business owners and small business sales folks reveal this challenge exists within their organization as well, they too want better messaging and qualified leads.
What does a Business Owner or Sales Person need to do to create better messaging and close more deals?
To better your message, you need to refocus your message. Speak to problems, before solutions. If you don’t take this step seriously, everything else you do in terms of marketing will be far less effective.
The data backs this up. A recent survey found that 80% of buyers don’t believe that the salespeople they deal with understand their business. 74% of buyers choose the salesperson who was first to add value and insight in their buying process.
Clearly, insight into the problems customers are having is key because very few people want what you sell. That’s not a blow to you or your business or your solutions. I’m sure all are remarkable. People want what they believe they will get, achieve, relieve, dodge, or acquire based on buying what you sell.
In addition, when you’re taking the time to address the problems your ideal customers see and feel before offering your solution, there is little chance the marketing and sales activities you’re implementing to attract and convert them won’t resonate
Make a list of the problems you solve for ideal clients
If you’re having a tough time thinking about your ideal client’s problems, think about the conversations you had leading up to your sales meeting, the things addressed in your client interview, or hopefully, you’re a good note taker and can revisit those for some insight.
For example, a lot my firms prospective clients might say things like — I just want my phone to ring, I want to be on the first page of Google, I want more referrals, I want less marketing headaches, I want my website to generate leads, I feel like I’m wasting money on ineffective marketing, etc.
So my firm don’t sell strategic marketing consulting services or marketing plans or even consulting — all my ideal clients need to know about what we do is that:
- We make the phone ring — end of story.
- We get you on the first page of Google — end of story.
- We make more referrals happen — end of story.
- We make marketing headaches go away — end of story.
- We make the website generate leads — end of story.
- We make marketing dollars go to work — end of story.
Another example, a massage practice: They might have the best tables, oils, and most highly skilled therapist but all their customers seem to care about is that their pain and discomfort go away.
So that’s the promise they need to communicate, shout about and promote. The rest is an expectation — I mean doesn’t everyone in the massage business have highly skilled therapists.
71% of Buyer Research Begins with Google Searches
Today people start the buying process on their own terms today via the internet, and people aren’t searching for your solutions, but they search every single day for ways to address problems they see and feel.
Small business owners that create their message, content, build their website and execute SEO practices around problem-solving will get in the pathway of self-qualifying leads at a much earlier point — the point at which you can build the kind of trust needed to close more deals.
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