Marketing Is The Ongoing Operation Of a Process
So often owners and CEOs of small businesses get stuck in reaction marketing and wonder why it always feels like such a bumpy road.
Marketing should feel graceful, thoughtful, even joyful, but that takes planning and patience — mostly though it takes process thinking.
I believe that the strategy and tactics of small business marketing must be developed within a maturity model of Launch, Grow and Amplify. (
When you’re focused on building a business, you need long-term effective marketing, and this starts with a solid ongoing operation of a process that scales and matures as your business does.
For example, a lot of prospective clients come to us wanting to do paid lead generation such as Google Ads but they have an outdated website, boring content, no social media profiles, and no email marketing presence, they’re not going to be ready to start Google Ads.
We’ve got to go back to basics with them and get those launch steps up and running before moving on to other channels.