New Year’s Resolutions For Your Marketing
It’s the beginning of a new year and the perfect time to take a fresh spin on your small business marketing.
If you make resolutions on an annual basis, why not resolve to have an effective, simple marketing process, too? Here are some suggestions!
🦷Floss every 90 days with ideal customers.
What stops a dental patient with braces from getting a great result — and the obvious — “they hate to floss.” What stops a small business from getting great marketing results — “they hate to floss.” Every 90 days interview a handful of ideal customers to gain insights that make your marketing and business attractive.
📅 Schedule a meeting with marketing for 15 minutes.
Try setting an appointment on your calendar 2 times a month. Reviewing your marketing will ensure you give your efforts the attention they need.
😮 Make the first 60–90 days remarkable.
The most tenuous point of any relationship is the beginning. You must look at your customer’s first 60–90 days as a trial period where your entire goal is to construct the type of experience that can only turn them into a raving fan.
🎯 Be more customer-centric.
A great customer experience comes from a commitment to continuously optimizing every element of the journey — this takes paying close attention, measuring, asking for feedback and applying what you see and hear — but more than anything else this takes caring.
⌚Schedule and keep quarterly marketing appointments.
There’s no better time to start scheduling and keeping marketing appointments than at the beginning of a new year. It’s easy to skip and hope for the best, but it’s better for your marketing and overall business to come in. Resolve to take care of your marketing this year and you’ll be on your way to a thriving life and business.
New year, new marketing. You’ve got this!