Small Business Marketing is What You Say and What You Do

Patrick McFadden
2 min readNov 28, 2022


A lot of business owners and CEOs get caught in the trap of figuring out what to say to get the sale. Then, well, then things go south a bit.

Long term, marketing is really more about what you do, deliver, execute, or innovate than it is about a new slogan.

Hey, I’m not saying that a simple, impactful slogan can’t go a long way towards capturing people’s attention, I’m just saying that where your external and internal realities meet is where the money is made.

The best compliment I ever get from a client or prospect is, “you practice what you preach.”

I’m the first to admit, I don’t always live up to this myself. But, when I don’t, when small business owners don’t, it’s usually because a few things need fixing.

And what are those?

  1. You need to figure out who makes an ideal client for you and forget the rest
  2. You need to get a handle on how your firm is unique and stop copying others in your industry
  3. You need to make sure you are still passionate about the business you are in or go get a job

Harsh words, maybe, let’s all wake up and kick some butt!



Patrick McFadden

Small Business Marketing Consultant // CEO of @indispmarketing // I install a marketing process to increase visibility, grow revenue & make your phone ring