Small Business Owners: How do you find more customers?
The first step is knowing what kinds of customers you’re looking for. To begin this process, you must truly understand the makeup of current ideal customers.
In my opinion, this starts with asking them a few questions.
1. What made you decide to buy from us in the first place?
2. Why do you continue to do business with us?
3. What’s one thing we do better than others you do business with?
4. What’s one thing we could do to create a better experience for you?
The goal is to uncover something that not only your ideal customers find valuable, but something you think more potential customers will find valuable. This will become your point of difference, the element you build your marketing strategy around.
You can also use the information to build profiles of the customers you want to attract.
What do they like? What are their problems? How do they use your service? How do they want to be served? How do they want to be communicated with? What do they think value is?
Find the answers to these questions and you’ll be able to define an “Ideal Customer.” Once you have that picture, you can personalize your marketing for this customer, making your tactics attract, obtain, and retain them.
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