Someone Being Aware of You Is Only The First Step In Marketing
At my marketing consulting practice, we define marketing as getting someone with a specific need or problem to first become aware of you, then educated on your differentiators, and finally trust you enough to buy. ⠀
I think the “Awareness” portion of this definition is often viewed as just “getting our name out there” and is often used to rationalize some of your activities. It allows you to check “do marketing” off of your to-do list.⠀
Someone being aware of you is only a first step. ⠀
In order to take your business or practice to the next level, you have to educate prospects on something specific, like the problems you solve for them. This means that your business cannot be everything to everybody.⠀
Deciding to educate prospects on something specific can be scary. We must define the types of prospects we don’t serve. ⠀
This feeling that we may be losing business (that we never had) can make us feel uneasy.⠀
As you become more successful, you will attract more prospects to your business that don’t meet your Ideal Client Profile. ⠀
It is important that your marketing process includes a mechanism to deal with this situation. ⠀
Have you identified someone who may be able to help these folks better than you can? ⠀
This can be a win-win-win situation.