You Can’t Piecemeal Your Marketing For Business Growth
Marketing as a process needs to be THE way of approaching and buying marketing: not a one-off website, not a single social media campaign, not an ad campaign for one month.⠀
This is where a lot of CEOs and business owners get burned because they’re so many people selling a piece of the marketing puzzle it’s made it difficult for you to keep up.⠀
Just think about how many times your inbox bings with somebody trying to sell you some new online marketing tactic or lead generation tool. ⠀
I often hear owners and CEOs mention how they read about some new widget, or go to a conference and get an email saying, “this new method or software is going to 5x them or eliminate all their headaches,” and they’re just fumbling around with the tactic of the hour.⠀
Occasionally, some of the widgets, and software do some good but the business never builds any kind of reputation, momentum, and awareness in the market because they’re all over the place.
As a result, marketing initiatives have become pieces of the puzzle rather than executing an overall process. ⠀
What most small businesses need is a holistic integrated marketing process, not just parts and pieces of the process.⠀
Whether it be a strategic internal hire, marketing agency or marketing consultant you need someone that can orchestrate all marketing activities as a process under your company-specific strategy.⠀